Events and Updates

Stakeholder Engagement

ISMA-APCID Testing on Rooftop of Engineering Tower, Faculty of Engineering by ASVR group with SD Advance Engineering Representative (Sep. 2019)

ISMA-APCID Testing on Rooftop of Engineering Tower, Faculty of Engineering by ASVR group (Oct. 2019)

ISMA-APCID Testing on Rooftop of Engineering Tower, Faculty of Engineering by ASVR group with SD Advance Engineering Representative (March 2020)

ISMA Field Testing at Petrochemical Plant at Pengerang, Johor (August 2020)

ISMA Field Testing at Petrochemical Plant at Kertih, Terengganu (April-Mei 2021)


A scaled model of a typical multi-girder composite bridge with a 1:10 scale ratio was fabricated and tested in the heavy structure laboratory of the Department of Civil Engineering, University of Malaya, as shown above. A series of Experimental Modal analyses of the undamaged and damaged structures were conducted by introducing various damage scenarios in order to generate a database.

13th IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and Engineering | 25-26 August 2023, Penang, Malaysia

Paper presented: Hybrid Modal-Machine Learning Approach for Structural Damage Diagnosis